Meditating on Scripture
Meditating on Scripture
I read a statement the other day in a devotional book by Robby and Kandi Gallaty that was simple, yet powerful. It said, “prayer is the most effective tool we have against any opposition or temptation we face, both in our personal lives and in our church today.” I truly believe prayer is vital for the life of the Christian and for the church. Because of this, I believe that understanding what prayer is and how to pray is also vitally important. There is a spiritual discipline that is a vital step before prayer that many Christians tend to leave out, and that is meditation on the Scripture. At its most basic level, meditation on Scripture is getting the truth of the Word of God from your head to your heart. Meditation literally means to “mutter”, to work out, or to work through. Doing this allows the Word of God to become real to you and allows you to commune with God at a deeper level.

Timothy Keller, in his book,
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy With God, gives some helpful questions to ask when approaching the Scriptures that allows you to work through the Scriptures and move it from the head to the heart.
- Is there any example for me to follow?
- Is there any command for me to obey?
- Is there any error for me to avoid?
- Is there any sin for me to forsake
- Is there any promise for me to claim?
- Is there any new thought about God himself?
- Am I living in light of this?
- What difference does this passage make?
- Am I taking this seriously?
- If I believed and held to this, how would that change things?
- When I forget this, how does that affect me and all my relationships?
Over the past couple of weeks, I have done my best at working through these questions and it has really helped my understanding of the Scriptures. I hope this helps you as well in your pursuit of seeking after God.