Jonah Chapter 4: Revolutionize Pt. 3

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Chapter 4: Revolutionize Pt. 3

Jonah 4:9-11 “But God said to Jonah, ‘Do you do well to be angry for the plant?’ And he said, ‘Yes, I do well to be angry, angry enough to die.’ 10 And the Lord said, ‘You pity the plant, for which you did not labor, nor did you make it grow, which came into being in a night and perished in a night. 11 And should not I pity Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also much cattle?’”

Not only does God call the city of Nineveh great, meaning there was a LOT of people, but he reminds Jonah that the people in the city are in danger of dying. The language here is specific. If a vine can perish overnight, and that is cause for great pity for Jonah, how much more pity should he have for the people that perish.

Think about it this way. If I rolled a wheel barrow up to you that was full of a million dollars, and I said “You can have this money IF…. you press this button. But if you press this button, somebody somewhere in this world will die. You don’t know the person. You’ll never know who it was. You won’t be punished. Nobody will even know it was your fault. You press this button, somebody in the world that you don’t know dies, and you go home with a million dollars cash.” Would you do it?

It’s crazy how we can start justifying it. We have that moment when we start thinking about it. “Well, thousands of people die per day anyways. We’re all going to die sooner or later. It doesn’t affect me so…”

I think a lot of us try to behave as if we’re numb to death. While we hypothesize about this million dollar scenario, we can become experts at acting desensitized toward death. But death is a frightening thing for us. We’re not used to it, and I don’t know if we’re ever supposed to be. It’s a result of our sin, meaning death only exists because we fell out of God’s perfect plan. The Bible says since every human being has sinned, every human being now dies. So, while death is the number one common denominator for mankind, it wasn’t written into God’s original plan and therefore will always feel unnatural.

Now here’s the thing, this is what God was telling Jonah. We need to be gripped by the fact that there are people everywhere that are perishing, that are dying without Christ, and who need the good news of salvation. Perhaps this truth is so uncomfortable that we quickly throw up our defense mechanisms. We can pretend this isn’t really happening, we can distract ourselves, and we can change the subject quickly. But we can’t hide from this fact forever.

It’s not a happy thought. It’s heartbreaking, really. In my next post, I will finish this whole series off with some good news. But for now, allow me to give you some peace. You can rest at ease knowing that nobody is counting on you to be the lone hero of the world. While the truth is dark and heavy, you are not called to save the world. You are simply called to spread the Gospel within your world; your community, family, workplace, school, etc. So do your small part and trust that God is working beyond your awareness to save this world.

James Robinson has been the Youth Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, TX since June 2014. He was drawn to work with students because he believes teenagers are in a highly moldable stage of life where it is absolutely imperative they allow the Gospel to identify who they are. As a Student Pastor, James says he has the inexpressible joy of regularly speaking that life-shaping Gospel into the students' lives.