3:9-10 “‘Who knows? God may turn and
relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish.’ When God saw
what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God relented of the
disaster that he had said he would do to them, and he did not do it.”
Allow me to
clarify something right up front. There’s only one proper way to respond to the
evil in your own life: Repent! We’ve already discussed that in chapter two, so
we don’t need to repeat ourselves. But in case you’re still reading, and you
haven’t had that time with God when you confessed your sin, and turned from it
to God, please do that right now. You won’t be able to deal with the evil in
other people’s lives until you deal with your own.
Once you’ve
done that, you’re ready for what’s next. Jonah helps us to see the evil in this
world and contrast it to how the Lord responds to it. Here’s the question that
is naturally posed; How do I deal with wickedness that offends me? This is
personal. We’re not talking about solving the problem of evil in the whole
entire world, but rather responding to the evil that directly offends us. And I
see only three possible responses.
1st. You can choose revenge – This is where you pummel
the wrong doer. You are determined to hurt the person that hurt you. You
believe very much in the “eye for an eye” philosophy of life. And most likely
you believe, although nobody would admit it, that is how you should behave
toward others but not so much how others should behave toward you, right? I
don’t recommend this response. It doesn’t end well for anybody.
2nd. You can choose retreat – This is when, out of
passivity, you just let it go but not in the healthy way. This is when you
cannot get past it so you do nothing about it. Outwardly you seem to be fine
but inwardly you are bitter and hurt. You go to your room and scream into your
pillow. Maybe you pop in the head phones and zone out from the world. Perhaps
your medication is a little more serious and damaging. This is more about
running away than dealing with the evil.
Neither of these two options are
better than the other, because you are responding to the hurt in unhealthy
ways. Some people think, “Well I’m not hurting anybody if I bottle up.” But
revenge and retreat are BOTH wrong, and do no good for you OR the wrongdoer.
Here’s the last option. This is the
one we all need to aim for.
3rd. You can choose to reach out
– This is the forgiveness that God gives to the people of Nineveh and what
he is trying to give Jonah. He is reaching out to them, not to exclude, but to
include. This is not reaching out with a fist like revenge. This is not
reaching out with a shove like retreat. This is reaching out with an open hand
to offer forgiveness and love.
In the book, The Secret Garden, Colin is a cruel, spoiled, arrogant boy who
makes the lives of his servants and nurses miserable. At first, you despise him
in the book. But as you read on you realize this boy is really just afraid.
Because all of his life he’s been told he wasn’t going to live long. That he
would get a disease like his father and die. So he chooses to confine himself
to his bed and order his servants and nurses around.
Until one day he meets his cousin,
Mary. Of course, she doesn’t like him at first because of his demanding,
selfish personality. He really was an evil little boy. But instead of getting
some revenge on him or choosing to retreat from him, she begins to reach out to
him. She talks to him about the beautiful things she had seen in the Secret
Garden. She describes the adventures she had with the neighbor boy. She begins
to encourage him to come outside with her and to see it all for himself. And
through it all, she is really showing him that he is actually healthy and he
isn’t going to die.
So as she reaches out to him with a
love that he had never received before, he begins to soften. He stops throwing
his tantrums and starts thinking about others. The evil in him was ruined when
Mary reached out with forgiveness and love. The only way you will ever ruin evil in the world is by reaching out
with forgiveness and love. That is the one response to evil that God has
If we fail to do this, if we choose
to exact revenge or run away in retreat, we just become a part of the cycle of
evil in the world. We are adding to the sinfulness of our own world, but God has
called us to destroy the evil; to help bring forgiveness, love, and repentance
to those around us.
That’s a lot easier said than done.
Right now you might encouraged and thinking, “Yeah! I’m going to change the
world with love!” And it all seems clear to you, right now. But tomorrow, when
the bullies come around again, or the family member starts acting selfish
again, or that coworker makes up another lie about you, this usually isn’t the
first thing in our minds because it’s not natural. You’re going to have to work
at this. It will require a good amount of effort. Are you up for it? I believe
you are. I really do believe you can ruin evil in your world and bring forgiveness
and salvation to those around you. Next month, I’ll show you exactly how this
I’ve so looked forward to this time with you
before get into our holiday this week and celebrate the birth of Christ... Unless you have been living in some form of
cave, you know that this week Star Wars Episode 7 premiered at the box
office. Projections say that the movie
will make over $250 million this weekend alone.
Written by George Lucas, it was originally released in 1977, and most of
you know this but for those who don’t, these seven movies are the story of the
rebels versus the empire; Luke Skywalker versus Darth Vader; heroes versus
villains; light versus darkness.
When it’s all said and done, “Star Wars” will
have captivated three generations of
people. I’ll never forget when I was a
kid and I saw (what’s now Episode 4, but the very first movie). I had been waiting and waiting, we saw it a
little late, and the buzz had grown, “this was unlike anything anybody ever
seen”. It came up to the weekend and we
were going to the Ritz Theatre in Big Spring.
The Ritz Theatre was like popcorn covered floor , get stuck at the end
of the movie, a little bit run down, but it was a palace to me because I was going
to see Star Wars there.
My Dad
was a literature teacher so we grew up on the Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Beowulf,
and all those stories. Dad was a very
dedicated follower of Jesus Christ who didn’t mind us using our
imagination. He explained, “Hey son, the
force is nothing, there’s not a real force”, but this idea of good versus evil,
light versus dark encouraged us to think in those way. He, my mom, brother, and I were all geared up
to go to Star Wars and I got sick as a dog somewhere around Thursday and we
were supposed to go on Saturday. I was
nauseous and throwing up; the whole thing.
Saturday rolls around and my parents are like “you’re not well enough to
go” and I’m like “I am well enough to go! I can make it! I’m well! I’m better! If I don’t see Chewbacca something’s going to
happen! I got to go!” So we get there, and it’s right about the
scene where Han Solo is about to take off in the Millennium Falcon with Obi-Wan
Kenobi and Luke Skywalker and it hits me.
I start throwing up, LOL. I will
not gross you out with the details but there was a hurried rush out of that
theatre! They replaced our tickets and I
got to go the next weekend.
I can remember during my childhood just the
awe of that. This is back before they
had cartoon stations. You didn’t watch cartoons online. You woke up on Saturday morning to go watch
cartoons. At Christmas Mom and Dad would
buy us little Star Wars figurines which I wish I had saved. I wish I had saved in their packaging. I wish
I’d never played with them because they’re worth thousands now. That whole notion is epic to me.
I read a Time Magazine article, and there is
sociologist named Wayne Youngquist in 1977 who wrote about the phenomenon that
was Star Wars and Time revisited that with some thoughts of its own as this new
[movie] is being released. I found it
fascinating when describing why [Star Wars] captivated the culture to such a
degree; and it still does.
The mid- and late-1970s were a time when
American institutions were collapsing. Watergate had destroyed the collective
sense of investment in the democratic process. The Vietnam War, having worn down
the nation, had ended in disappointment. Even pop culture was splintering into
niches. There had been an energy crisis and an economic crisis, and the end of
the Vietnam War did not mean that the world was suddenly all that peaceful.
“It was this very kind of fragmentary period
where everybody woke up with a hangover from the ‘60s and was really dubious
about getting swept up into anything that large again,” Hallberg tells TIME.
“And then all of the sudden you have this myth arrive that seems to speak for
everyone and to everyone and that everyone can collectively project themselves
into and talk about...”
... Star Wars, on the other hand, is morally
uncomplicated. It’s about a just cause, people coming together and the good
guys winning, “like the opposite of Vietnam, in a way.”
And that’s where today comes in.
“I see our time period, where we sit in
history, as having something in common with where audiences might have been
sitting in May of 1977,” Hallberg says. “There were the oil shocks, this huge
economic grinding of the gears going on in the mid-‘70s, and stagflation that
followed from that. We don’t have the inflation but I think we have the sense
collectively of having lived through an economic trauma and not really having
reached escape velocity from that. In 1977, I think there would have been a
kind of hangover from a decade or more of armed conflict far away.”
Hallberg notes that the public appetite for
The Force Awakens seems even larger than the appetite for the The Phantom
Menace and the trilogy it began in 1999—and, if the ‘70s are any indication
that may portend a bigger shift... perhaps the nation is ready to celebrate a
new era of heroes.
I think the appeal of this, the frenzy, the
captivation with just this one example in our culture is in a painful,
troubling, monotonous, often heartbreaking world, we long for something
more. Down deep inside of us, I believe
all of us, whether you knew it or not when you walked in here, deep down we
crave adventure. We ache for
romance. We yearn for mystery. We cry for hope.
In short, this didn’t die out in 1977. We human beings collectively, deep in our
hearts, need a hero. Some of you are
like, “what in the world does that have to do with Christmas? I didn’t really come to get a soliloquy on
Star Wars, Pastor. It’d be nice to hear something about Jesus.” What in the world does that have to do with
Jesus? Everything.
I hope when you see that manger scene, that
nativity, shepherds with bowed knees and crooks in their hand. Mary there before the baby, and the Christ
child lying there... When you see the light shining in darkness, when you see
all this imagery, I pray you don’t just see something beautiful. I pray you don’t just think of the warmth of
motherhood and family. Don’t just see a
time of reprieve and a time of thinking about things that are bigger than
us. Don’t take the teeth out of what
Christmas is really about. This coming
to the manger is the ultimate hero story.
It is what, deep down, we all long for.
Hebrews 1:1-3 God, who at
sundry times and in divers manners (various
times and various ways) spake in time past unto the fathers by the
prophets, 2 Hath in these last days
spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom
also he made the worlds (created the universe); 3Who being the brightness of
his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the
word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the
right hand of the Majesty on high…
Let’s break that down a little bit. The scripture says the Son radiates God’s own
glory. Jesus expresses the very
character of God, and He sustains everything by the mighty power of His command. That same Jesus, when He had all by himself
purged away, paid for, redeemed us from our sins, He sat down on the r right
hand of God, the majesty on high.
Jesus Christ: God, Man, Hero, King.
Before we go one step further, for a lot of
us hearing the title of the sermon, or where I’m going with this, it doesn’t
generate a whole lot of excitement or enthusiasm. Whereas, we might have bought our tickets for
that movie a month ago! Whereas a lot of
us, when it came up on the screen, that shot of the gigantic star wars print and
the music playing, we were excited. Why
would we be so excited about that and so “eh” about Jesus? I’m not about to throw a holiday guilt trip
on you, listen, there is a world not only with a hero, victor, and a king but
there’s a world with an enemy. The
enemy’s favorite pastime is to blind you to the truth and open you up to the
lie. Blind you to the glory of God and
offer you some pseudo glory. Take your
deepest longing and say “listen, God can’t give you anything for that long but
a move can, or food can, a relationship can, a drug can, a drink can, a trip to
the mall can.” That’s what he’s been
doing for over six thousand years; offering pseudo glories that we will wrap
our heart around in worship and miss the point.
There are 4 Episodes in the Story of Jesus
·The mystery of
His pre-existence
The bible says that before there was ever a
plant Earth, before there was a moon or
Sun, stars or universe as we know it, before any of that; there was God. God existed in what we know as tri-unity; we
call it trinity. One God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God for all eternity passed. Don’t think of Jesus beginning in a manger,
think of Jesus as God with God forever in the past. What were they doing? They loved on another, they fellowshipped
together. They were in perfect power and
perfect knowledge. Beyond that y’all, I
can’t tell you what they were doing.
It’s too big for my feeble mind.
Is too mysterious for us to comprehend, but God was God before there was
ever a planet Earth. Jesus was Jesus
before He ever came down to Earth. For
all of eternity. He didn’t have a birth
date. Spiritually speaking, He always
was and He was always with the Father.
Do you know what the bible tell us?
I didn’t know this for the longest time,
1:16 For by him (by Jesus) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,
visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or
principalities, or powers: all things were created by him (Jesus), and for him(Jesus):
When God determined, “I’m going to speak the
universe into existence. I’m going to
make a Milky Way galaxy. I’m going to establish atoms and cells, minutiae of
the universe. I’m going to establish not
only the micro but the macro. I’m going
to put planets in orbit. I’m going to make galaxies. I’m going to make supernovas. I’m going to make black holes...” it was the
mouth of Jesus that spoke it into existence.
All the trees, animals, wind, sea, earth,
us! It is the most mysterious, awesome,
unfathomable thing. When you take a
telescope and look into the night sky, you think “oh God, how big that is...” Yes, and Jesus made it all. When you hear in your science class about how
the universe breaks down into smaller and smaller elements. There was a time
when they thought the atom was the smallest unit. “Atomo”, atom, means indivisible and then
they split the atom and realized. Some
scientists believe it keeps getting smaller and smaller almost infinitely.
Jesus spoke all that into existence.
What was He doing before He came to Earth? He was God, with God, and it’s a mystery.
·The adventure
of the incarnation
We singsongs about it. There are a lot of Christmas songs that have
that word, “incarnation”, and sometimes we don’t define our terms. Incarnation means “The assumption of a bodily or human form by a supernatural being.” Here’s
the picture: God doing life with God, speaks the universe into existence.,
creates the angel orders, the Angels – a third of them rebel and become demons
– led by an angel named Lucifer, “the shining one”, not became Satan. God creates the Earth, Adam and Eve, and the
created order in perfection, but they make a choice in chapter three of
Genesis. We think we can be our own God
and do it better. Creation falls.
Two thousand years ago, there came a moment
when God the Son looks down on plant Earth.
Jesus Christ, who’s been there all the while, watching Adam and Eve, Abraham
and Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, watching all the things transpire with the
Jewish people. Conquered by the
Babylonians, Neo-Persians divided up by Alexander’s generals and ultimately
conquered by Rome. Jesus Christ looks
down on, planet Earth, a people lost in sin and He says,
”Father, I want to rescue them. Father, is there hope for them?” I’m speaking in human terms because Jesus
knew everything from the beginning.
“Father, is there hope for them?”
“Yes Son, there’s hope but it’ll be terribly
“Father, is there a way to bring them back
from their sins? The fact that they’ve
hated, even rebelled, against you and run from you. In their own will and volition they’re going
off the edge of the cliff.”
“There is hope for them, Son, but it will be
very expensive.”
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy
Spirit devise a plan. God will have to journey to Earth. God will have to be born into a human
body. God will have to live life on this
planet with all of its mud, blood, war, and turmoil. God will have to die to rescue mankind. “Incarnation”.
Man, this came down to me so vividly this
last week. My daughter, Aubrey, went in
to have her tonsils and adenoids taken out.
You know, very minor surgery, but it’s never minor if it’s you and it
isn’t minor if it’s your Mom or Dad.
They did a marvelous job out at the Baylor Surgicare out in Mansfield,
such sweet people. It was all done well,
everything was as it was intended; we get Aubrey home and the first day she
just shock us. They said, “If they want
to eat something, let them eat. It’s not
a big deal give them the pain medicine, we’ve got some nausea medicine. If it gets bad you can give them that.” She comes home on day one and she’s like
“Dad, did I see some Roses Tortillas in there?
Can I have some tortillas?” Like
Father like daughter; yes, absolutely.
She was eating, feeling pretty good, giving her pain medicine. Boy, day three she really started
hurting. Yesterday, she got a fever and
her stomach was burning so bad she couldn’t hold any food down. You parents, every one of you know what I
mean, she just literally has her mouth open just crying and there’s not a thing
in the world I can do for her, and that flat kills you. This morning, when I got up and had my little
time with the Lord, He reminded me He knew what His Son was about to go
through. He knew what He was sending Him
down into: open mouth, unsolvable pain,
and He sent Him anyway.
Jesus comes. You talk about adventure? The Son of God standing up and walking away
from the throne in heaven, from the right hand of God; I believe Angel armies
are all along that procession blasting their trumpets, standing in awe with
mouths covered as Jesus, the Son of God, walks to the edge of Heaven and makes
a journey down past planets, stars, through the atmosphere, to planet earth,
into a virgin’s womb, flesh and blood and fluid, into a cattle trough. God is incarnated and becomes a man. The adventure of that! What a journey.
John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among
us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
full of grace and truth.
and an infant. Eternal, and yet born of
a woman. Almighty, and yet (nursing) on
a women’s breast. Supporting a Universe,
and yet needing to be carried in a mother’s arms.”
He’s still 100% God, mind you, but now he’s
also 100% flies-and-blood man.
·The romance of
His rescue
Jesus is on earth. We don’t hear much about His childhood. There’s one little story about Him going to
the temple. There are all sorts of apocryphal stories that we don’t believe in
the New Testament canon, but we don’t know much about thirty years of life on
planet Earth. We do know He is raised by
Mary and her husband, Joseph. Joseph is
a carpenter which meant Jesus was a carpenter. He would have been raised to learn that trade
there in the city of Nazareth. I believe
there in the carpentry shop, at the age of 30, there came a moment of decision.
He knew why He’d come but for 30 years
He’s been living life on planet Earth and at the age of 30, He faced a
Max Lucado wrote a book called “God Came
Down” and one of the chapters was entitled Out
of the Carpentry Shop. If you’ll bear with me, I want to share some of his
thoughts with you today.
The heavy door creaked on its hinges as He pushed
it open. With a few strides He crossed the silent shop and opened the wooden
shutters to a square shaft of sunshine that pierced the darkness, painting a
box of daylight on the dirt floor.
He looked around the carpentry shop. He stood
for a moment in the refuge of the little room that housed so many sweet
memories. He balanced the hammer in His hand. He ran His fingers across the
sharp teeth of the saw. He stroked the smoothly worn wood of the sawhorse. He had
come to say good-bye.
It was time for Him to leave. He had heard
something that made Him know it was time to go. So He came one last time to
smell the sawdust and lumber.
Life was peaceful here. Life was so . . .
safe. Here He had spent countless hours of contentment. On this dirt floor He had
played as a toddler while His father worked. Here Joseph had taught Him how to
grip a hammer. And on this workbench He had built His first chair.
I wonder what He thought as He took one last
look around the room. Perhaps He stood for a moment at the workbench looking at
the tiny shadows cast by the chisel and shavings. Perhaps He listened as voices
from the past filled the air.
“Good job, Jesus.”
“Joseph, Jesus – come and eat!”
“Don’t worry, sir, we’ll get it finished on
time. I’ll get Jesus to help me.”
I wonder if He hesitated. I wonder if His
heart was torn. I wonder if He rolled a nail between His thumb and fingers,
anticipating the pain. It was in the carpentry shop that He must have given
birth to His thoughts. Here concepts and convictions were woven together to
form the fabric of His ministry.
You can almost see the tools of His trade in
His words as He spoke. You can see the trueness of a plumb line as He called
for moral standards. You can hear the whistle of the plane as He pleads for
religion to shave away unnecessary traditions. You can picture the snugness of
a dovetail as He demands loyalty in relationships. You can imagine Him with a
pencil and a ledger as He urges honesty.
It was here that His human hands shaped the
wood His divine hands had created. And it was here that His body matured while
His Spirit waited for the right moment, the right day.
And now that day had arrived. It must have
been difficult to leave. After all, life as a carpenter hadn’t been bad. It
wasn’t bad at all. Business was good. The future was bright and His work was
enjoyable. In Nazareth He was known only as Jesus, the son of Joseph. You can
be sure He was respected in the community. He was good with His hands. He had
many friends. He was a favorite among the children. He could tell a good joke
and had a habit of filling the air with contagious laughter.
I wonder if He wanted to stay. “I could do a
good job here in Nazareth. Settle down. Raise a family. Be a civic leader.” I
wonder because I know He had already read the last chapter. He knew that the
feet that step out of the safe shadow of the carpentry shop would not rest
until they had been pierced and placed on a Roman cross.
You see, He didn’t have to go. He had a
choice. He could have stayed. He could have kept His mouth shut. He could have
ignored the call or at least postponed it. And had He chosen to stay, who
would’ve known? Who would have blamed Him?
He could have come back as a man in another
era when society was not so volatile, when religion wasn’t so stale, when
people would listen better. He could have come back when crosses were out of
style, but His heart wouldn’t let Him.
If there was hesitation on His part of
humanity, it was overcome by the compassion of His divinity. His divinity heard
the voices. His divinity heard the hopeless cries of the poor, the bitter
accusations of the abandoned, the dangling despair of those who are trying to
save themselves.
And His divinity saw the faces. Some wrinkled.
Some weeping. Some hidden behind veils. Some obscured by fear. Some earnest
with searching. Some blank with boredom. From the face of Adam to the face of
the infant born somewhere in the world as you read these words, He saw them
And you can be sure of one thing. Among the
voices that found their way into that carpentry shop in Nazareth was your
voice. Your silent prayers uttered on tear-stained pillows were heard before
they were said. Your deepest questions about death and eternity were answered
before they were asked. And your direst need, your need for a Savior, was met
before you ever sinned.
And not only did He hear you, He saw you. He
saw your face aglow the hour you first knew Him. He saw your face in shame the
hour you first fell. The same face that looked back at you from this morning’s
mirror, looked at Him. And it was enough to kill Him. He left because of you. He laid His security
down with His hammer. He hung tranquility on the peg with His nail apron. He
closed the window shutters on the sunshine of His youth and locked the door on
the comfort and ease of anonymity.
Since He could bear your sins more easily
than He could bear the thought of your hopelessness, He chose to leave. It
wasn’t easy. Leaving the carpentry shop never has been.
He makes a choice. For three years He gathers a group of
unlikely men, nobody else would have picked them. He constantly depends on His Father. He constantly depends on the Holy
Spirit. He doesn’t make a move, preach a
sermon, say a word, heal an individual without the Spirit empowering Him to do
it. And for three years He teaches,
preaches, heals, loves, helps, and He suffers.
At the age of 33, the hero is nailed to a cross. The hero has come to rescue you and this is
the only way He can do it. Our sins my
friends are so serious to God, so vast, unconquerable, the only way to deal
with them was for the Son of God TO DIE.
Jesus hangs on a cross, the sky goes black, that place is so think with
spiritual warfare and out of the darkness Jesus Christ cries “Eloi Eloi lama
sabachthani” meaning “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” because now
the Father for the first time in creation isn’t looking on Jesus as God the
Son. He is looking on Him as the greatest
sinner that’s ever lived because now your sins, my sins, our children’s sins,
our forebearers sins have come into His body on the cross and Jesus is being
punished in your place and mine. The
hand of God’s justice, I believe with tears in His eyes, is being brought
down. The hammer blow falls on Jesus so
it doesn’t have to fall on you. There Jesus Christ, with a loud voice and gives
up the ghost. We don’t know for three
days while He lies in a borrowed tomb what is going on, but here’s what we do
Death couldn’t conquer. Jesus,
our hero, the Son of God comes back from the dead and He ascends to the right
hand of the Father from when He came. Up
passed planets, through the atmosphere, stars, and the gates of glory swing
open and the angel throngs hit their knees and applaud. Jesus Christ takes His seat at the right hand
of the Father and now He made a way to bring you and me with Him. Praise God.
That’s our hero. That’s the
·The glory of
His victory
I’ve got to tell y’all, listen, one day in a
scene that Steven Spielberg himself could not possibly do justice, the Living
God, Jesus Christ, on a white horse with the throngs of glory is coming back to
planet Earth to reclaim what is rightfully His.
In a scene that JRR Tolkien could do justice
to, the King is going to take His throne once again. And every single knee is going to bow and
every tongue is going to confess that Jesus, the hero, is Lord and Savior and
That’s the story. So kids, I’ve got to tell you something and
don’t be mad at me: Star Wars isn’t real.
You do know that don’t you, it’s good. It’s fine, it’s fun, it isn’t
real. All the special effects in the
world, in the end is just a game, is smoke and mirrors. It’s entertaining for a time, but it will
break your heart if you put your hope in it.
Can I just tell you something? There is a war going on in the universe. There is a cause that you were involved in
whether you like to think so or not.
There is a force called the power of the Holy Spirit of God that will
change planet Earth when it flows through you.
There is a hero who cannot be killed again. His name is Jesus Christ. You’re playing part in a saga right now whether
you yawn and talk about slough it off.
Whether you’re enamored by what we’re talking about today. Whether Jesus Christ as your Savior, or you
disdain Him and you’re here for the ceremony and because your family brought
you. Either way, you are playing a part
in this drama that’s unfolding and one day you will see with your eyes what I
am describing today with my lips.
God got all over me watching that movie,
which is great. You want me to tell you
all about it? I won’t do that to you;
spoiler alert! You know what got to
me? We’re in the greatest, most romantic
adventure of our lives, right now, and we’ve got a hero who is worthy of us
giving everything to follow Him. Oh my God, let me flowing Jesus Christ.
This is a moment in our service, where we’re
almost complete with our time here together.
No doubt we’ll go off and have a great week ahead. I know some of you, frankly, you have
somethings in your life that are just flat painful and maybe you’re not really
looking forward to this week. There’s a lot on your mind and a lot on your
heart. I want to pray for you in a
minute, if that’s you. As best we can, let’s not have a lot of unnecessary
movement, a lot of leaving and coming right now unless you have to. We’ll leave this place, and this service will
be just a memory. Just be an occasion on
the calendar that happened back in 2015, but I tell you what can happen here
today. Some of you felt moved, not by my
words, but something deeper. Some of you
feel compelled to do something with what you just received. There’s some triviality in your life that
you’re like, “I don’t want to live just for that.” There’s some dark stuff in your life and you
don’t want to be bound by that. There’s
some hope in your heart that He really is coming back. If you’re feeling that, that’s not coming
from this Preacher’s mouth, I’m not that skilled. That is the Spirit of God taking His word and
applying it in your heart. He is calling
you to take a step of faith. He’s
calling you to trust him and step out. Let me tell you who I’m most alarmed for
in this service right now, some of you that enamored by the movie and bored to
death with this; more enamored by the food, the relationship, girlfriend,
boyfriend, phone, right? But God, is
(for you) very distant, figurative, non-literal. I love you enough to tell you there’s a real
good chance you don’t know Christ as your Savior. I don’t care what dotted line
you signed. I don’t care who made you a
promise years ago. I’m telling you, if
you know Him, there’s a love for Him down there, that’s a part of Him living in
you that when He calls, that part hears and responds. It can get cold, dull, calcified by layers of
triviality; yes it can. Friend, listen
to me, you ought to wonder this morning.
It’s proper to wonder if you really know him and if He came back today,
if He would be your greatest friend or your enemy, frankly. Right now is the
time of grace. Now is a time where Jesus
is still reaching out a hand to bring you back in a relationship with God. He wants to be your hero and there is only one
way that happens, when you get real. Admit
you're a sinner and ask Christ to be your hero and Savior. You don't have to have
a preacher, a priest, or alter a ceremony, or any of that to have Him like that.
You could just ask him. You know what? Some
of you need to take a step today. Today's the day you need to say hang what
anybody thinks about me I don't care. I don't care if they if they smile, if
they frown, if they wonder, if they look.
I need to know Christ as my savior. I need to be served today. I'm going
to ask you for a moment, after we pray to slide right out of your seat come
down to an altar, to come right here down to me and say, “Brian I need to be
sure I'm on my way to heaven. I need to be sure I know Jesus.” Everybody in
this place that knows Him will celebrate the fact that you're coming. It won't
be some weird conversation some secret room. We'll have somebody come and talk
to you and answer your questions, either at this alter their set up an
appointment with you if you have more questions, but today you need to nail
that thing down and make sure. There's too much at stake, and He loves you too
much, to go through another Christmas that’s nothing but a song. Christians all
over this place, how long has it been since you took a step of faith? How long
has it been since you said, “Lord, it’s been a long time since I've really
talked to you. Since I told you how I really feel.” Some of your mad at him but
you’ve never told him that. You're so disappointed you kind of just pulled back
but you never told him that. There's something in your life, He's telling you, and
“it's time to trust me with that. It’s time to trust me with them.” I'm telling
you when you do, there's a flood of Jesus coming to you that I can't describe.
Why not let the hero rescue you today? I'm going to pray and then these altars
are open if you need to come pray with your family or by yourself. If you need to come take me by the hand and say,
“Brian, I’m that guy, I’m that lady. I need to know Him today. I need to know
today.” You come do it on the very first verse.
We give you this invitation. The thing you’ve
been putting on my heart is Lord, water
our words, our thoughts, our sentiments. Without your power and God we feel
your power here today. Spirit, make Jesus real. Make your call effective. Save
souls, change lives right here today for your glory, Lord. Your children ask
this of you and we ask you to forgive us for our sins and our triviality at how
we miss you, Lord. Open the eyes of our heart this Christmas. It’s in Jesus’
name we pray.
"Jesus Christ, God, Man, Hero, King" Brian Loveless Sermon on December 20, 2015 at Calvary Baptist Church, Grand Prairie, Texas.