Gospel Shaped Worship Planning

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As I prepare for worship each week, I first of all spend time time in prayer and ask for direction and guidance from the Spirit as I plan every element of the service. I also make sure that the songs we sing and the elements of worship are not chosen at random but follow an intentional rhythm or structure. I do this because I believe the way that a worship service is structured ultimately shapes our views and understanding of God. 

Why Gospel Shaped Worship?

- Corporate worship is a Christian’s expression of authentic devotion towards God (Psalm 148:13)
- Corporate worship is a divine dialogue between God and His people (Isaiah 6)
- Corporate worship is profoundly formative (1 Cor. 14:40) 

Structure of Gospel Shaped Worship 

Call to Worship 
- Worship always begins with God speaking to us. He speaks, and we respond
- Practical: 
- Reading a passage of Scripture (Psalm 100:1-4)
- Repeating phrases such as “worship begins with God”, “God speaks, we respond”

Adoration and Praise
- Adoration and declaration of War
- Goal- Put the glory of God on display 
- Adoration provides the language and images of God’s glory for God’s people
- Practical: 
- Ask what songs in your library are about what God has done, not what we do. 
- Take an inventory of songs and compare them to a list of attributes about God.


Confession (and/or) Lament
- Involves recognizing (1) the world is not the way it was meant to be (2) we as a church are not the way we were meant to be (3)  I am not the way I was meant to be
- Practical: 
- Can be sung or prayed: “Give Us Clean Hands” // Praying through Psalm 51
- Pray for both corporate and individual sin


Words of Assurance 
- After recognizing our sin and the fallenness of the world, we hear an answer from the Lord that assures us, “It is finished”
- Practical: 
- Songs about the cross and forgiveness of sins
- Doesn’t always have to be long, but simply a reminder that God has heard us, and in Christ, He’s forgiven us 

The Peace
- Paul begins almost all of his letters with a greeting of peace. It’s a peace that flows directly from God. It is a natural result of the gospel. 
- Practical:
- Make the greeting time more meaningful by connecting it with the gospel
- Occasionally give more time to the greeting
- Scripture Reading : John 13:34

- Giving also flows directly from the gospel (2 Corinthians 8-9)
- The primary motivator for giving us the transforming power of the gospel 
- Practical: 
- Seize the opportunity to point out ways the giving is a call to worship 
- Allow the Scriptures to make the hard call to give
- Be thankful

Pastoral Prayers 
Instruction: The Sermon

- A beautiful, tangible, concrete gift where we can physically remember the gospel story. 
- In a single act it remembers the past, embraces the present, and hopes for the future. 
- Practical: 
- Thoroughly discuss your church’s theology and ecclesiology pertaining to this issue 
- Understand that communion can by celebrated a variety of ways

Commitment/Preparation for Sending
- Our attention is brought to the future.
- Practical: 
- Repeat or reaffirm what was taught in the message
- Historic confession of faith 
- Songs: “O Church Arise”

- Sending or blessing
- “Worship like creation, ends as it began: with God’s blessing”- James K.A Smith
- Practical: 
- The Call to Worship and Benedictions are like book ends to the service. Consider connecting the two in some way 
- Make clear that the benediction is offered by God 

Additional Resources on Gospel Shaped Worship:
- Christ-Centered Worship- Brian Chapell
- Rhythms of Grace- Mike Cosper
- Story Shaped Worship-  Robbie F. Castleman
- Imagining the Kingdom- James K.A. Smith 
- You Are What You Love- James K.A Smith 
- Gospel Shaped Worship- Jared Anderson 
- The God We Worship: An Exploration of Liturgical Theology- Nicholas Wolterstroff

Brandon Hochstetler has been the Worship Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, TX since August 2013. Brandon believes that worshipping God is so much more than just the instruments, singing, lights, and sound. Worship is simply about praising the name of Jesus and coming before him humbly.